PCR Reagents & Kits for Molecular Diagnostics
PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a widely used method in molecular diagnostics for amplifying and detecting specific regions of DNA indicative of disease or other biological characteristics.
The process requires mixing DNA region-specific primers, nucleotides, buffers, and thermally stable enzymes together to create a master mix. The DNA template is then added to the master mix and a thermal cycler is used to heat and cool the reaction, resulting in millions to billions of copies of amplicons enabling detection of the DNA region of interest in minutes to hours.
At Fortis Life Sciences, we offer an extensive library of core enzymes, master mixes, and other PCR components, including high-quality Taq polymerases, high-fidelity polymerases for reduced replication errors, HotStart enzymes to prevent primer dimers, and UDGs to avoid carryover contamination.
In addition, we recognize that your applications may have unique performance and quality requirements when developing PCR assays, so we offer you a team of in-house experts that will work with you to understand your specific needs and design, develop, manufacture, and validate complete assay solutions for your particular application.
Our Customization Capabilities
*Our GMP manufacturing sites are ISO 13485:2016 Certified.
2X InhibiTaq™ HotStart qPCR MasterMix
Empirical Bioscience®
Applications: Fast qPCR, Fast Reverse Transcription PCR/qPCR, Inhibitor Tolerant qPCR, Inhibitor Tolerant Reverse Transcription PCR/qPCR, qPCR (probe)
Certification: ISO 13485
Availability: cGMP * Can be customized to meet your needs. Request a custom quote
Taq DNA Polymerase Kit
Empirical Bioscience®
Applications: Endpoint PCR
Certification: ISO 13485
Availability: cGMP, LYO-Ready * Can be customized to meet your needs. Request a custom quote
Taq 2X MeanGreen™ MasterMix
Empirical Bioscience®
Applications: Endpoint PCR
Certification: ISO 13485
Availability: cGMP * Can be customized to meet your needs. Request a custom quote
4X InhibiTaq™ PLUS HotStart qPCR MasterMix
Empirical Bioscience®
Applications: Carryover Prevention, Fast qPCR, Fast Reverse Transcription PCR/qPCR, Inhibitor Tolerant qPCR, Inhibitor Tolerant Reverse Transcription PCR/qPCR, qPCR (probe)
Certification: ISO 13485
Availability: cGMP * Can be customized to meet your needs. Request a custom quote
FlashTaq™ HotStart 2X MeanGreen™ MasterMix
Empirical Bioscience®
Applications: Endpoint PCR, HotStart PCR
Certification: ISO 13485
Availability: cGMP, LYO-Ready * Can be customized to meet your needs. Request a custom quote
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